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Looking for super spicy romance? I'm your gal.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm working on a new website, so please don't hold this one against me! For now, all the books are located under the same tab--Books/Content Warnings. 

Latest Release

Cmas for the Back ebook.jpg

The former SteelTooth Pack's future awaits in the valley below...

But Reanne catches a scent on the breeze that leads the main pack members to a spicy and endearing final encounter before everything unfolds in Protected for the Pack.

This is a very short, very hot Christmas smutbite, perfect to add a little heat to your holidays and hopefully tide you over until the next book's release!
This story features sh!fted fun, and is not required to be read, but there may be one or two references to this event in the main plotline. Genuinely, this is a fan appreciation story because I love these characters just as much as you all do!

© 2022 by Natalia Prim, Author


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